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    16.5.2011 Work therapy and therapy session at psych.nurse

    Been quite busy start at morning, first drive my friendress sister (and another friendress she is too) to work at start, then back to churchmoor and to worktherapy (hey i get paid for it, and it gives routine to day = important for recuperating mind). At 1400 i had meeting with my personal psych. nurse, good conversation with her, i feel quite good and not overcharged or sad.


    But yeah, FIN won MM icehockey last evening, and people are going craazy!!


    Radio is full of different songs (we are the champions, everyone is hero, den glider in (it glides in) etc).


    Big party at marketsquare at capital this evening, but i am not attending.. they predict over 50k people to square.


    Congraz to FIN LIONS (Suomen kiekkoleijonat), ty for gold!!





    At da Wellingks, Mrs. Wellingk takes a well deserved nap and Mr. Wellingk is playing Battlefied II.


    Today ill go my granma again overnight, taking my laptop with me and going to listen audible book about evulotunary psychology.


    I know i have Schizz, but more ye know about yer "sickness" more ye can fight against it, and of course my friends are good help too. They did not abandon me when they found out that i had schizz.


    Yours--> Kosti



    Sigh, have go meet my friendress and wait her at medical center, just when i am watching http://live.twit.tv : framerate, oh well i should not had called her ( ;) )


    Going to granma today, and bringing her bit yammy eating and coffee packet.


    Later at evening staying over her place overnight... Singing off-->Kosti


    10.5.2011 My mothers dialemma..

    Just posting here, my mother wanted me to explain: -why did she receive facebook message from (apparently) US. Marine Commander, wanting her to contact him. She is bit confused, because he seemed bit younger than my mom and she was not sure if it was a spoof or not.. We agreed, that if he writes again, ill form a response to him (she know bit english, to understand, but cannot write it very well.) and kindly explain that she is over middle and widow, so is he sure about long distance corresponding. (If it is true that he is CSM, i am awed)





    Watching http://live.twit.tv at 0346 FIN time, and i am going at 0700 time at Wellingks to drive Mr. W to medical side-center at Masala.


    A notice, i have used Miro sometimes and it seems there was some warning in NOD32 about it, so i removed it.


    Hoping world will be again bit better tomorrow..

