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    « 29.07.2011 Heckuva day again, oh well easy come... | Main | 14.07.2011 DSL-CableModem hooked up, ty for Elisa/Saunalahti »

    24.07.2011 Sunday, at grandma

    I just ponder what makes us really evil in our actions? I mean RL Evil, sad fact what happened in Norway (my bluder was first i thought i hear it happened in Sweden, and even tweeted it as such [i deleted that tweet later]) Maybe i have now thinker how to better my behavior too, maybe tweeting news directly is not best answer always... this day has been news about how it is hard to explain children about.


    I usually do not read manuals, i tinker myself thru, sometimes i depend upon manuals.. maybe in twitter too someone should shout in yer ear that ye are doing more harm than good, like GMs in roleplaying games giving chance to correct behavior, three strike rules?


    Now i am sitting in living room at grandma on a couch, hoping for some good coming out from this evil.. maybe we got an vaccine shot against this kind of events? Bloody painful one, and costly... price we never wanted to pay!!

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