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    « 14.07.2011 DSL-CableModem hooked up, ty for Elisa/Saunalahti | Main | 07.07.2011 Yay, Comp. building complete »

    12.07.2011 ADSL modem to a friendress coming  18th

    We ordered Saunalahti ADSL/Cable modem (Actually it is a Cable, but i am so accustomed to call em a (A)DSL). It belogs nowdays to her apartment rent automatically, so no point to not to get it.


    Now i just have to teach her basics how to use Graphical Ubuntu Linux, but it should be not so hard as she is accustomed to Windows enviroment basics.


    If my calculations go right now she is able to talk her heart out whenever any of her family/friends are online same time, and with no mounting phonebills.. only regular rent fee as usual.., of course machines go old and parts go screw. But hey thats why i am around (and my close friends too, in case.. they may give emergency support too... if ever anything happens to me, but no worries.. ill try stay alive long.. a catty way with love for both canines and felines.. 

    And hey Mirva, if ye ever read this and understand: no obligations, it is enough that ye are my friend, and i deeply apologize if i ever made ye feel that it is not enough, ye have right for hapiness.. dont we all? With love--> Konis

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      Awesome Web site, Keep up the beneficial work. Thank you!

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