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    « 6.6.2011 Spending time in home. | Main | 16.5.2011 Work therapy and therapy session at psych.nurse »

    26.05.2011 At da comfortable bed, typing and watching http://live.twit.tv

    Apart from my headline, i was watching today Pirates Of Carribean: In unknow waters. Wholy moly, whole week worth of lawnmowing and i am bit debt to my granny went to whole evening with friendress. Tickets, burgers, icecream and train.


    Sigh, luxuries are expensive... free time connecting more so.


    Okay tomorrows plan is: 0500 up, 0600 shower, 0630 to work, after lunch drop a friendress to her job, back to own job and get friendress that works with me at same place. To my friendly friend couple and with them to grocery, drop friendress to her home, after that to granma to lawn rest of grass, chop wood and try to figure some more seconhand jobs to pay out movie trip dept. 2000 get friendress from job, and drop her to her home to cuperate with her boyfriend, and back to granma and stay overnight.


    It makes me happy at same time as it stresses heck out of me.. -->Kosti

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