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    « 6.2.2011 | Main | 4.2.2011 »


    Thank God, slept like baby! Listened live.twit.tv, it seems it is like listening lullaby (joke). In pair of hour i call my ex-grlfrd and pair of hours from dat i go to her place, then we agree what time we drive to Wellignks, our friendly couple at "neighbour". I am old friend of Mr. Wellingk and she is old friend of Mrs. Wellingk. It was time when we were in beginning of our relationship with my ex, that Mrs. Wellinkg asked that do i know anyone who could date her. So i managed a meeting thru my ex, with Mr. Wellingk. And now they are married, better result than i have with my ex, sniff.


    I am bit envious of Mr. Wellingk, he has a gorgeus wife and he is smart (I.Q at least 160, i bet). I love em both, and of course i still care my ex, even if she dumped me for other guy.


    My best friend is nicked Dogsie (Piski), and he is scary big, strong and smart. Has total work ethics and is Cool guy all around.. I am really lucky to know these folks.


    Love --> Konis

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