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    « 26.2.2011 | Main | 21.2.2011 »


    Holy Moses! I hope i did no mess things permanently by doing something wrong by encouraging show? Maybe i should ask few pointers how to tweet responsively..


    Lets not troad that path, i opened door and was scared by result. Or lets just say we fans opened a door, not only by me (i think). Hmmm, too much information.. overload! overload!


    Lets just keep life simple, right? Because with too much power comed too loads responcibility that i am not ready to wield. Example i dont ever EVER want to lead a military unit in RL, responsibility for someones life is too much, to just decide with my experience and knowledge. 

    Thats why i would extra scared if word by me affects some major things, right? I dont mean like scared, that i shiver or laugh or something like that.. moral fear, ethical fear.. How ever any "common" man can wield that kind of decision? Say what ye want about politicians, but thats why we pay them so much, they make those dirty decisions thats better for yer country, so that ye dont have to smear yerself.


    I am scared... anything we dont understand we fear...

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